Mike Tech Show – Podcast – #425 – 09-20-12

GoDaddy Apology, How to offset the cost of iPhone 5, Apple iOS 6, OS X Mountain Lion Update v10.8.2, Windows 7 – Default File Type Associations – Restore, Windows 8 issues

(43 minutes)

Show #425 Notes

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Music –

Some of the songs on this program were provided by Magnatune.com

[For help with your systems call MHS Consulting – 215-253-4322]


  1. Joe says:


    Thank you for your great show. Most podcasts I listen to are more or less news shows. What I love about your show is that I feel like we’re really actually getting in there and fixing things. I love it.

    Simple question for ya though. Recently you mentioned a podcast client on one of your episodes, but I forget which one it is. I currently use Juice which is one of the better ones I’ve tested. But there really seems to be a real lack of quality podcast catchers out there. Which one(s) do you recommend. I don’t need it to do a lot. I just want a simple utility to download an MP3 pretty easily. That’s all.

    Thanks a million!

    Your fan,

  2. Mike says:

    Joe –

    The best client is ZiePod, http://www.ziepod.com/


  3. Ed says:

    Way behind on shows… In Windows 8, you can create local accounts. You do not *have* to use Microsoft credentials.

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  1. Mike Tech Show Podcast 2012-09-20 #425 | Mike Smith