Mike Tech Show – Podcast – #30 – 09-24-05

(41 minutes)

Show #30 notes:

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The Ultimate Portable Utilities for a USB Key

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My Portable Utilities for USB Key (62 mb download)

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Be sure to sign up for our upcoming roundtable on September 24th. Just visit www.techpodcasts.com We will be using GoToMeeting while we discuss podcast media hosting with several special guests including Peter York from downloadradio.org. Peter will share his knowledge of advanced BitTorrent, and we will show you how to make weblogs podcast ready. Also, be sure to check out GoToMeeting. Why? Because you can hold meetings right over the Net — from anywhere. Plus, you can hold all the meetings you want for one flat rate. To get your free 30-day trial, visit www.gotomeeting.com/techroundtable.

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  1. MissM says:

    Excellent Job Mike! You’ve done everybody a huge favor putting together this download!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks from Italy, Maxx

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mike, thank you! This podcast would beat TWIT and diggnation anyday!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Better than Twit and Diggnation? OK, I’ll bite. Downloading it now. I hope you’re right.

  5. nedwolf says:

    Hey there, Mike!
    Saw some traffic in my logs and wondered “What the heck is Mike Tech Show?”

    Terrific work!
    Thanks for linking.

    Ned Wolf

  6. Thanks a lot, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.

  7. nedwolf says:

    For you folks interested in portable software, you might be interested in hearing more about the U3 standard. It will bring us much greater options for portable software.


  8. Dave L. from Temecula, CA says:

    All – Keep in mind that there are more applications that CAN BE PORTABLE, although aren’t specifically planned to be so.

    For example, Spybot S&D; will run in “stand alone” mode by simply copying the installed directory. Others require a bit of “tweaking” but can be run as well from a USB device.

  9. Anonymous says:

    well done mike.
    one thing to comment about TugZIP (free archiver)
    It works great (I’m using it all the time), but a current bug -well, it’s old but still current- prevents it from *creating* ZIP files straight from a USB stick. Uncompressing is not a problem, but creating a ZIP is.
    So until this annoying bug is fixed, I don’t think it’s the most appropriate archiver to suggest for protable app’ing.
    More info:

  10. Anonymous says:

    Here is another good USB program list http://www.combobulate.com/usbutils.htm with torrent download!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Solution from Search-and-destroy.
    If you own a computer, you must have antispyware to keep it running at its best. The problem is choosing a scan that works. I have tried many different types of scans in the past and then I ran across Search-and-destroy Antispyware. I have to say that the antispyware solution from Search-and-destroy is the best that I have used to date. It gets the job done and keeps my computer working like new. If you are interested in seeing for yourself just how good this antispyware works you can click on http://www.Search-and-destroy.com to learn more. I’m sure it would be worth your time to check it out.