No show tonight! 9/9/10
A truck tore down my FIOS connection. No phone, internet or TV! I am waiting for FIOS to install a new line and it could take a couple of days. My 3G wireless card cannot support broadcasting a show. I will see you next week.
UPDATE: (Friday 9/10/10) My FIOS was completely restored last night, but it was to late to start a show.
Understood TY for the update
No Phone, Internet or TV?? You poor, poor man. I know what its like to be disconnected. Its not a happy feeling at all. Cheer up Mike, we’re rooting for you.. 🙂
HI Mike, hope you get it sorted, love the show…life has a habit of getting in the way sometimes, doesnt it….looking forward to your next show…take it easy sir.
You poor guy. My sympathy to you. Sorry we’ll miss you. Hope you get back online ASAP.