Mike Tech Show – Podcast – #211 – 10-25-08

Independent Music –

Some of the songs on this program were provided by Magnatune.com

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[Permanent link for Show #211]

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Mike, linux podcast that I enjoy:
    For beginners and
    For more advanced and entertaining

    Some others that just were not for me

  2. CitizenX says:

    I can vouch for http://www.goinglinux.com
    For a great Linux podcast.

    Larry Bushey and Tom Chaudoir offered me great email support when I was moving from Windows to Linux for all of my personal computing for 30 days.

    They blew me away with solutions that I tried to figure out myself.
    Sometimes you have to accept the help to save your own sanity.

  3. CitizenX says:

    Klaatu of
    Was especially helpful with my transition of the stealthy stuff I was able to do in Windows that I wanted to duplicate in Linux.