More Links from Show #162

Here are some more links from Show #162 that I omitted. (Thank you Chris.)

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  1. Frankyvee says:

    I gave DriveImageXML a try. I must say, it is way slower than any other drive imaging software I have ever tried. But I guess you can’t complain too much for something that is free. I was using Ghost for a while then learned about Snapshot. I have been using snapshot for several years now. It works very well and it is 4 times faster than DriveImageXML. I imaged my C partition with DriveImage XML and it took 90 minutes to image 30 Gigs of data. Snapshot takes only 20 minutes to do the same partition. Although snapshot is not free ($40) it is well worth the time you will save performing back-ups. The Website is

    I learned about this product from the Security Now podcast by Steve Gibson.