Mike Tech Show – Podcast – #129 – 06-16-07

Podcast: [Mirror]

(43 minutes)

Writing an Effective Resume
Job Search Sites
Preparing for the Job Interview

Show #129 Notes

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Some of the songs on this program were provided by Magnatune.com

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  1. Barbra says:

    Hey Mike!

    U mention a hand-written envelope 4 the thank u letter..
    … how would u feel about a hand-written thank u letter?

    Would it seem unprofessional?

    I have an editing trick that I learned from my local computer club!

    Sure it is great 2 have others check ur work (agreed) but if u read ur work BACKWARDS ur brain will not auto-fix mistakes like it tends 2 do.

    Great show Mike.
    I HAVE passed this on 2
    Jeff Kay at
    He is looking 4 non tech work & is hilarious!

    As u mentioned, ur advice is across the board and not just 4 tech interviews.

  2. Mike says:

    Hand written thank you letter would be Ok. It has to be very neatly written. Many people do not have the penmanship to carry this off.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Mike,

    As always great podcast! I wanted to thank you for this one. I’ve always stressed about resumes and interviews to the point of not even trying. Your podcast along with the links you provide is fantastic! And is going to be a big help in boosting my confidence when applying for jobs.
