Mike Tech Show – Podcast – #525 – 11-20-14

Fighting and preventing Cryptowall 2.0 and other ransomeware

(33 minutes)

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  1. Greg says:

    Hi Mike

    Great show and timely. I just saw my first Cryptowall and used Carbonite to restore back before the infection. I have been thinking about all the preventative measures you suggest. It is nice to see them all together as a confirmation of what I have been thinking . I am planning on a preventative maintenance service offering with this as a part. Thanks for this and your other shows. I enjoy them and learn from them.


  2. JQBecker says:


    Started listening to your podcasts yesterday. I spotted this one (Cryptowall) and gave it a listen. I realized I had almost exactly the same experience as you, except
    1) the one I ran into was “TorLocker”
    2) my client had VSS off, no backups.
    She lost everything. Did not seem too upset about it, but 100% gone.

    I used the same methodology as you did, except I started with MalwareBytes, not realizing it was TorLocker at first. But soon enough I saw the ransom note files.

    I thank you for putting this out there, and I will check your suggestions for Shadow Protect and Crypto-Prevent.