Mike Tech Show – Podcast – #337 – 12-31-10

Last show of 2010, Ebook Readers, Tablets, Windows 7

(41 minutes)

Show #337 Notes

Ustream video for Show #337

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Some of the songs on this program were provided by Magnatune.com

1 Comment

  1. Chris B says:

    Hey Mike, I just listened to this show and would love to have you review some tablets. However, I would wait until March or April (or even May) when all of the new tablets that have been announced at CES 2011 will be available. These tablets (like the Motorola Xoom, the Viliv series of tablets, the Adam, etc) are of much higher quality, more powerful and will be running Android Honeycomb. The current crop of tablets are pretty crappy (except maybe the Galaxy Tab) so it may not be worth you time and money to review them now. I plan to donate and love the show !


    Chris B